Design trends, How To's

Some decorating secrets from our chief interior decorator

Pile On the Pillows

One pair of pillows always looks skimpy. Use two pairs, in contrasting patterns, colours, and textures.

Buy a Bigger Bed

Small-scale furniture only makes a small bedroom look smaller. Try a high bed and a tall headboard. Your room will grow.

Go Dark

Dark walls do the opposite of what you’d expect. They make a small room feel bigger

Large Collections Need Order

Wall brackets can bring order to a large collection or odd shapes.

Use a Real Rug in the Bathroom

Use a rug instead of a bath mat. It was made to withstand a lot more wear than the occasional wet foot.

White Works

You’ll never get tired of a white living room

Mix Styles

A four-poster bed will take the chill out of a modern bedroom

Layer Your Lighting

Four lamps are better than two. You need ambient light for mood and direct light for reading.

Gold Is Gorgeous

Gold is back in a big way. A few accents will warm up a room, like this classic living room.

Plants Cheer Up a Lonely Corner

Nothing softens a lonely corner in a big room like a potted tree.

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